How to Fix the Foul Odor Coming Out of Your Septic Tank?

Septic tanks, by nature of their function, typically have an odor. However, that odor is usually contained and unless the tank is exposed to the elements, those in the general radius are not affected. So, when the tank is covered but smelly, this indicates a problem. Today we will explore what makes septic tanks smell, how to fix the odor, and how a vacuum truck service can help. Septic tanks, by nature of their function, typically have an odor. However, that odor is usually contained and unless the tank is exposed to the elements, those in the general radius are not affected. So, when the tank is covered but smelly, this indicates a problem. Today we will explore what makes septic tanks smell, how to fix the odor, and how a vacuum truck service can help.

What is a Septic Tank?

A septic tank is a large underground container used for the treatment of sewage and wastewater. It is typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic, and it separates the solids from liquids in the wastewater. The solid waste settles at the bottom of the tank and is later decomposed by bacteria, while the liquid waste flows out of the tank into a drain field for further treatment. Septic tanks are commonly used in areas where there are no municipal sewer systems available.

What Makes Septic Tanks Smell?

It’s important to note that if you notice any persistent odor from your septic tank or drain field, you should contact a professional for an inspection as soon as possible.

Septic tanks can develop a strong odor for several reasons, including:

  • Lack of Maintenance: If a septic tank is not pumped and cleaned regularly, it can accumulate solid waste and sludge, which produces odors.
  • Clogs in Drainage Field: When the drainage field becomes clogged with debris or soil, it can cause wastewater to back up into the septic tank, which leads to bad smells.
  • Cracks or Leaks: Cracks in the septic tank or its pipes can allow gases to escape and cause unpleasant odors to permeate the area around the tank.
  • Overuse of Household Cleaners: Using too much bleach and other harsh chemicals can disrupt the natural bacterial balance in the septic system, leading to foul odors.
  • Old Age: With time, septic tanks can deteriorate and corrode, allowing gases to leak out and create strong odors.

How to Fix the Foul Odors

There are several ways to fix foul odors coming from a septic tank, depending on the cause of the problem. Here are some solutions:

  • Regular Maintenance: The most effective way to prevent unpleasant odors is to have the septic tank pumped and cleaned regularly. This will remove any accumulated solid waste or sludge that may be causing the odor.
  • Use of Bacteria Additives: Adding bacteria-based additives to your septic system can help break down the solid waste and reduce foul odors. These additives can be purchased at most hardware stores.
  • Repair Cracks or Leaks: If there are cracks or leaks in the septic tank or its pipes, it’s important to have them repaired as soon as possible by a professional.
  • Avoid Overuse of Household Cleaners: Using too much bleach and other harsh chemicals can disrupt the natural bacterial balance in the septic system, leading to foul odors. Consider switching to natural cleaning products instead.
  • Install an Odor Filter: An odor filter can be installed on the vent pipe of your septic system to capture any gases before they escape into the air.

When to Call the Professionals

It’s best to call a professional if you notice persistent odors coming from your septic tank or drain field. There are several reasons why you should seek the help of a professional:

  • Safety: Septic tanks emit gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, which can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities. A professional will have the proper equipment and training to safely inspect and repair your septic system.
  • Accurate Diagnosis: A professional will be able to accurately diagnose the cause of the odor and recommend the appropriate solution. This is important because different problems require different solutions, and attempting to fix the problem yourself without proper knowledge can lead to further damage.
  • Experience: A professional has experience working with septic systems and will know how to properly handle any issues that arise during an inspection or repair.
  • Prevention of Future Problems: Regular maintenance by a professional can prevent future problems from occurring and ensure that your septic system is working efficiently.

How Drane Ranger can Help

Drane Ranger is a professional septic tank service provider that offers a wide range of services to help with septic tank issues, including odors. We are happy to help with all your industrial and residential septic tank needs.

We can pump out the contents of your septic tank, removing any accumulated solids and sludge that may be causing odors or backups. We also do a thorough inspection of your entire septic system to identify any problems, such as leaks or cracks in the tank or pipes that could lead to serious issues down the line. If there are any issues identified during an inspection, we can provide repairs and maintenance services to fix the problem and help prevent future ones from occurring.

In addition to septic tanks, we offer grease trap cleaning services for commercial kitchens to prevent clogs and backups and emergency services for situations such as overflowing tanks or other urgent septic system issues.

Overall our professional expertise and range of services make us a reliable choice for anyone experiencing septic tank issues or in need of regular septic preventative maintenance.

Contact Drane Ranger Today

Drane Ranger has been providing high-quality septic tank services since 1985. Our experienced crew safely operates our top-of-the-line equipment to ensure your project is completed quickly and efficiently with maximum safety standards. We also offer preventative maintenance services to help keep your system running smoothly for years to come.

Our clients rely on us for timely, dependable, and cost-effective solutions that fit their needs—and guarantee quality results every time. From initial contact through job completion, our team will work hard to meet all of your requirements from start to finish.

Contact Drane Ranger today for more information about our industrial and residential vacuum truck services.

Why Draining The Septic Tank is Necessary?

As a landowner, you are responsible for ensuring that your septic system is properly maintained. This includes regularly draining the septic tank. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense, draining the septic tank is essential to keeping your system functioning optimally. In this blog post, we’ll explain why calling septic tank cleaning companies is so important and how it can benefit you in the long run.

Draining The Septic Tank Is Necessary to Prevent Sewage Backup

Septic tank draining is a critical preventative measure to avoid septic back-up and potential health problems. While septic tanks are designed to last for years with regular maintenance, if septic tank maintenance is neglected, the tank can become clogged with solids, reducing its efficiency and leading to septic back-up. To avoid this risk, homeowners should contact septic tank cleaning companies to have their septic tanks serviced on a regular basis. Septic tank cleaning professionals can thoroughly clean and inspect septic tanks, identify any potential issues before they arise, and ensure that sewage can run smoothly through a functioning septic system. A reliable septic tank service is an essential component of home ownership for anyone who relies on a septic system.

Draining The Septic Tank Also Allows for Inspection and Maintenance of The System

Draining a septic tank is an important aspect of septic system maintenance and should be done every two to three years by septic tank cleaning companies. Inspecting the septic tank interior as it is being drained ensures that the bacteria located in the tank can break down the organic material effectively, helping maintain the overall effectiveness of the septic system. Any issues such as cracks or obstructions can then be identified and repaired, allowing for maximum septic system performance. Additionally, components like axial filter elements and effluent filters can also be inspected and replaced, if needed. Proper septic maintenance requires regular draining of both tanks in order to ensure optimal efficiency of one’s septic system.

Contacting Septic Tank Cleaning Companies Helps to Prolong a System’s, Life Span

It is highly recommended to periodically drain the septic tank in order to prolong its life span. This is a process that should ideally be carried out by septic tank cleaning companies with proper experience and who have the right equipment for it. Septic tanks are more likely to last longer when properly maintained, which involves completely draining the contents and disposing of them safely. These proactive checks can help keep septic tanks flowing smoothly and efficiently, saving homeowners from expensive repairs down the line.

Contacting septic tank draining companies to drain the septic tank is a necessary part of septic care. By preventing sewage backup, and clogs, and extending the life of your septic system, routinely scheduled tank draining is crucial to ensuring your home or business runs smoothly. Contact us today at Drane Ranger to get started on a regularly scheduled septic tank maintenance plan.

Secrets to Proper Septic Tank Maintenance

For many people, having a septic tank is a way of life. These tanks need to be maintained on a regular basis in order to function. Septic tanks that are not maintained properly will have negative effects such as foul odors and damage to your property. For many people, having a septic tank is a way of life. These tanks need to be maintained on a regular basis in order to function. Septic tanks that are not maintained properly will have negative effects such as foul odors and damage to your property.

There are some things you should know about your septic tank maintenance.

Know When You Need Septic Tank Maintenance

There are a lot of factors that determine when you need to have your septic tank maintained. This includes the size of the tank if you have a garbage disposal, how many people are in your home, and how much water your family uses. On average a septic tank needs to be cleaned every two to three years. There are some signs that you need septic tank maintenance:

  • Your septic tank equipment fails and your drains overflow into the home.
  • There is a foul smell from the drains and by the septic tank itself.
  • Your lawn is either exceptionally green (could be waste being drained onto the lawn) or it is soggy around the septic tank.

If you see any of these signs it is time to call Drane Ranger for septic tank maintenance.

Prevention is the Best Maintenance

One of the biggest reasons that you need septic tank maintenance is that people flush things that should not be put into the tank. Flushable wipes are often put down the tank, but in reality, no wipes are truly flushable. Other things that get flushed that can unbalance the PH system of your septic tank are:

  • Gasoline-and any other petroleum products
  • Cooling grease and automotive oil
  • Paint – including thinners and solvents
  • Items with a high level of phosphorus – laundry soap, cleaning supplies etc. that are not designed for septic tanks
  • Famine products and baby products – they don’t disintegrate

Water Usage is Crucial in Septic Tank Maintenance

All the water that your family uses goes into the septic tank. The more water that is used the more wear and tear on the septic system. Families use an average of 70 gallons of water a day. If there is a leaky toilet or faucet this can escalade to 200 gallons a day, and all this water goes through the septic system.

One thing that can be done to limit septic tank maintenance is installing a high-efficiency washer. This simple device can save a lot of water throughout the year. Another way to reduce water use going to the septic tank is by using high efficiency showerheads and faucet aerators.

Laundry is one of the biggest culprits of causing septic tank damage, this is with the wrong soap as well as continuing doing small loads or completing too many loads in one day.

Following these basic tips and calling Drane Ranger or visiting this page for regular septic tank maintenance will help prevent costly repairs and keep foul odors away. Click here to schedule an appointment with our professionals or to learn more about caring for your septic tank.

Things to Consider Before Installing a Septic Tank

Septic tank cleaning professionals in Houston, Texas caution that installing a septic tank can be easier than it sounds. They emphasize important things to consider, before installing a septic tank.

Here are some factors to consider before installing a septic tank:

Septic systems come in different types and designs, including gravity, pressure, and aerobic systems.

Picking the right design depends how the property absorbs and disposes of water. Septic tank cleaning professionals in Houston, Texas do various tests and assessments on the property, to determine the appropriate septic system design.

When it comes to septic tanks, size matters! And volume matters! For a big household, a small septic tank often leads to drainage issues, and a septic tank that’s too large will result in unnecessary high installation costs. The appropriate septic tank size should be big enough to accommodate the household’s current and future water volume usage. Septic tank cleaning professionals in Houston, Texas can help determine the size that’s the best fit.

The ideal location of the septic tank is very important. A location which allows for the required excavation to install the septic tank, and a location that is easily accessible, in case of malfunctions and for necessary septic tank repair, maintenance and septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas.

The terrain on which the septic system is installed is very important, because it determines how the sewer will be able to handle issues such as runoff water and flooding after a heavy downpour. Ideally, the terrain should be flat rather than sloppy to avoid damage from runoff.

There are specifications and regulations. Since improper installation and waste treatment procedures can sometimes affect underground water quality and pose a health risk to the users, a permit is required for septic tank installations. Septic tank cleaning professionals in Houston, Texas are skilled and up to date with advice about specifications and regulations in a specific area.

There are some important things to know and think about before installing a septic tank. Whether it’s a new septic system or the replacement of an old one, Septic tank cleaning professionals in Houston, Texas not only give sound, good advice but make sure the installation is done properly.

If it’s all done right, a septic system can last for years without breaking down, and minimizing maintenance and repair costs.

Septic Tank Service – is This Something I Should be Worried About

No doubt about it! Most households agree that their septic tank is crucially important. Unfortunately, as septic tank pumping companies point out, septic systems are too often also overlooked and taken-for-granted.

As septic tank pumping companies explain, ignoring the required, regular maintenance of septic tank systems inevitably causes a serious mess when the septic tank fails, but affects the health of the family, when various harmful substances seep into the home.

The concept is simple. Many residential properties rely on in-ground septic tanks to help manage household waste—the liquid and solid waste that goes down the home’s drains. Unlike standard, municipal sewer system that feed into a large disposal network, a septic tank can only hold a limited amount of waste.

Septic Tank Pumping Companies point out that every residential septic system is designed to efficiently process waste for decades, assuming the septic tank is properly maintained and looked after with scheduled septic tank service from an experienced and professional septic tank pumping service.

Septic Tank Pumping Companies also emphasize that the most fundamental, and arguably the most important factor necessary—and critical—to maintain the efficiency and proper function of a septic system is the regular, scheduled pumping of the septic tank.

Most professionals recommend pumping the septic tank every 3 to 5 years, but it is important to determine the specific recommendations for a septic tank system and evaluating the household’s water usage. The more water, the more often the septic tank will need to be pumped.

Overlooking the regular maintenance and servicing of a septic tank can cause septic tank problems as well as health hazards. The scheduled services of septic tank pumping companies will eliminate some common septic tank problems, like:

Sluggish drains and/or flushing. When a septic system starts backing-up, the sinks, tub, or shower suddenly don’t drain as quickly as normal, or the toilet doesn’t flush as thoroughly as it usually does.

Odors. As the septic tank fills-up, there is less and less space for odor causing gases in the septic tank. Eventually, these gases can drift from the toilet or the sink and other drains inside the house. It not only smells awful but methane gas, hydrogen sulfate and the airborne bacteria in the fumes can be health issues for everyone in the home.

Septic Tank Pumping Companies have the expertise to avoid septic tank back-ups and the worrisome risk of making people sick when odors waft through the home.

How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic Tank

Septic tank cleaning companies explain that restoring and increasing the life of a home’s septic tank requires understanding about what a septic tank is designed to do, and how it does it. Septic tank cleaning companies explain that restoring and increasing the life of a home’s septic tank requires understanding about what a septic tank is designed to do, and how it does it.

Septic tank systems are capable of taking all your household waste water, separating out the solids, breaking it down safely, and spreading the extracted water out into a drainage field, in order to ensure your waste in your home has somewhere to go and isn’t being put out onto your lawn.

A septic tank is basically an underground storage container that keeps solid wastes, until they break down naturally. This processed water (effluent) is then able to escape the tank and filter through the soil in the yard, where nature breaks it down further. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

According to septic tank cleaning companies, there are common symptoms of septic tank problems.

  • drains are backing up into the home
  • bad smells coming out of the drains
  • over-green area in the lawn or a soggy lawn and build up of water near the septic tank

And septic tank cleaning companies also warn about some common causes of most common problems.

. Too much water. Septic tanks gradually fill with solid waste. The grey water is allowed to pass through the tank and out into the underground drain field lines in the yard. Once the tank is full of solid waste, it can cause sewage backups in the toilets or slow drains in tubs and sinks. How many people live in the house? How much wastewater goes into the septic tank? Are there extra long showers or lots of laundry? How often does the dishwasher run? They all drain into the septic tank. Each of these fixtures / appliances drains into your septic tank.

Every septic system has a certain volume of wastewater that it can safely and efficiently handle. The specific volume of the system depends on its size, but for most residential systems, it’s somewhere between 600 and 2,000 gallons of wastewater. Remember: less wastewater means longer septic tank life.

. Septic systems are not trash incinerators. All that waste flushed down the sink or toilet has to go somewhere. Hard waste, called “sludge,” accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank.

The only reliable solution is prevention. Trained professionals of septic tank cleaning companies not only do septic tank pumping but also inspect the entire septic system to ensure all the equipment is working properly.

Septic tank cleaning companies explain that how often a septic tank should be pumped depends on the capacity of the tank and how often wastewater is flushed into it. The rule of thumb is to pump the tank every three to five years. The experts at septic tank cleaning companies suggest that most homes can get about 30 years out of a septic system, with proper, routine maintenance.

When it’s running efficiently and properly maintained, the septic system will have a long lifespan.

Septic Tanks: Why They Fail and What You Can Do

Proper septic tank maintenance is both basic and complicated but it is very important.

By design, septic tank systems are meant to take household waste water, separate out the solids, breaking them down safely, and spread the extracted water out into a drainage field, ensuring the waste in the home has somewhere to go and isn’t being put on to the lawn.

According to septic tank maintenance ( professionals, the only thing that a typical septic system is prepared to handle naturally is human waste and toilet paper (which is designed to be broken down by the bacteria in the tank).

Unfortunately, septic tank maintenance reports show that unsuspecting homeowners and guests can flush seemingly harmless objects or dump substances down the drain that will disrupt the bacteria or clog the system. For example, flushing paper towels, cigarette butts, cotton products, diapers, feminine products, and even “flushable wipes” can all cause septic system problems.

Septic tank maintenance cautions that excessive water use is also a big culprit. Septic tanks have limited capacity and can only manage to process a certain quantity of wastewater at a time. The home’s septic tank was designed to handle a specific flow rate of water, based on the home’s size. Usually, the septic tank should discharge wastewater at the same rate as or faster than it takes on water. So, when it takes on too much water, it can’t do what it’s supposed to do and may cause problems.

Septic tank maintenance professionals explain that the separation of waste happens with the flow of wastewater. The natural separation process of solids and liquids of different densities and gravity results in the scum rising to the top, the sludge sinking to the bottom, and the watery effluent in the middle. Once separated from the other materials, the watery portion of the wastewater (effluent) flows out of the septic tank through the underground distribution system of perforated pipes, stone, and sand out into the ground several feet below the surface.

When the septic system takes on too much water, the tank fills up before it can empty out again. The excess water can’t enter the full tank, so it has to go somewhere else. Usually, this “somewhere else” is right back into the home.

The #1 cause of septic system failure is due to biomaterials and they are the cause of 97% of failures to septic systems that are otherwise maintained and taken care of properly. Household substances and everyday objects can cause big problems. They can disrupt and even kill off the important bacterial environment that digests waste in the septic system. Septic tank maintenance professionals warn about NEVER dispose of bleach, gasoline, paint, paint thinners, grease, harmful oils, or large quantities of antibacterial household cleaners.

Proper septic tank maintenance and professional septic system pumping (which includes removing the sludge and scum as well as cleaning out the effluent filter) every 3-5 years will keep the septic system running smoothly for years.

What are the Myths and Facts about Septic Tank Systems?

There’s a lot of misinformation about septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas.

A popular myth is that septic systems don’t really pose a hidden threat to water quality. Professionals who do septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas warn that when the effluent is not adequately treated, as in a failing septic system, it is a health hazard and can cause many human diseases. Studies have found that failing septic systems can become chronic sources of nutrients and interact with nearby waterways.

There’s also a common misunderstanding that septic systems are designed to be maintenance-free. Neglecting system maintenance leads to system failure. There is a need for maintenance of septic systems, or an accumulation of pollutants happens.

Professionals who specialize in septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas explain that some people consider a septic system similar to a garbage disposal. It is NOT! Garbage disposals can overload a system with solids causing the need for more frequent tank pumping and can increase wastewater strength beyond the capacity of the system to properly treat it.

Technicians who work on septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas warn about even coffee grounds. They don’t readily digest and can get into the septic system’s leaching bed, where they can contribute to system failure. Also, don’t flush plastic, condoms, rubber, coffee grounds, citrus rinds, eggshells, dental floss, diapers, baby wipes, kitty litter, cigarette butts, fats, greases, paper, paints, solvents, varnishes, thinners, waste oils down into the septic system. It inevitably leads to septic system failure.

There’s a myth about additives helping the septic system. Some septic tank additives on the market with chemicals, yeast, bacteria, or enzymes claim to improve septic tank performance or reduce the need for routine pumping. Septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas points out that adding a stimulator or an enhancer to a septic tank to help it function or “to restore bacterial balance” is not necessary. The naturally occurring bacteria needed for the septic system to work are already present in human feces. Professionals suggest: Let nature take its course.

Some homeowners mistakenly assume clogged septic systems must be replaced. Not always. Many clogged septic systems can be restored with maintenance. Three of the most common causes of clogs — indigestible sewage solids entering the leaching bed, slimy biomat growths blocking the holes in the perforated leaching pipes and tree roots physically clogging the leaching pipes — can usually be solved without replacing any part of the system.

A dangerous myth is ambitious DIY homeowners entering the septic tank. Septic tank cleaning in Houston, Texas is unanimous with the caution: Never enter any septic tank. Poisonous gases or the lack of air can be fatal. Any work to the tank should be done from the outside.

Septic Tank Failure – Effective Tips to Get Rid From Septic Failure Problems

Septic systems have long been an environmentally-friendly way to recycle household wastewater. Like all systems they can and run into problems. A failed septic system can lead to groundwater contamination, sewage ponding in the yard and sewage backups into the home.Septic systems have long been an environmentally-friendly way to recycle household wastewater. Like all systems they can and run into problems. A failed septic system can lead to groundwater contamination, sewage ponding in the yard and sewage backups into the home.

Most people think the lack of system maintenance is the biggest reason that septic systems fail.

According to septic tank cleaning companies, this does not happen as often because most homeowners are aware of the need for septic system maintenance. Stats show that less than 10% of failed systems are due to lack of septic pumping.

But it’s actually heavy water usage that can clog a septic system and cause failure

As septic tank cleaning companies explain, the septic system works depends on the amount of water a household uses each day. The amount of water plays a large role in the septic filtration system’s lifespan.  The separation of waste happens with the flow of wastewater from the inlet to outlet in the septic tank. The natural separation process of solids and liquids of different densities and gravity results in the scum rising to the top, the sludge sinking to the bottom, and the watery effluent in the middle.

To prevent septic system failure, it’s important to understand what commonly cause the nasty problem of a failed septic system and then you’ll understand how to prevent failure from happening.

Septic tank cleaning companies caution about the common symptoms of inefficient septic system and problems which can lead to septic system failure.

. drains backing up into the home—a sign of a clog in the septic system, failure of the equipment or it is starting to overfill

. bad smells coming from drains, or around the area that the septic tank is placed on the lawn

. over-green area on the lawn, means waste is getting out through the septic system into the drain field. This is caused by equipment failure or overfilling

. soggy lawn and build up of water near septic tank

. water and sewage from toilets, drains, and sinks are backing up into the home.

. bathtubs, showers, and sinks drain very slowly.

Despite warnings and suggestions from septic tank cleaning companies many homeowners still leave septic tank maintenance, septic tank cleaning or septic tank pumping needs left to the last minute. Septic tank failure can be pricey, cause a huge mess to clean-up in the basement or landscaping. For commercial or industrial properties, a septic tank system failure could result in massive environmental clean up costs and fines.

Septic tank cleaning companies do regularly scheduled maintenance and a quick response may save money in repairs and prevent illness and negative impact on the environment.

Why Can’t You Flush Cat Poop Down a Septic Tank?

Owners of cats know the work that it takes to care for our feline friends. Cats need to be brushed, fed, loved and the cat litter needs to be changed on a regular basis. Professionals who complete septic tank cleaning in Alvin, TX ( have a word of advice for cat owners. Do not flush your cat poop and litter into the septic tank.

Why can you not dispose of cat litter in a septic tank?

Most cat litter is made of bentonite clay. This clay is absorbent and non-biodegradable. When water is added to this clay it forms a thick, pasty substance. When you flush the litter down the septic tank it can harden in the pipes. If you flush it down with water or jet spray, it will end in your tank. Here it will harden and then can damage the tank itself. If you decide to dispose of the cat litter in your septic tank it can lead to having more septic tank cleaning in Alvin, TX, additional repairs or complete replacement of your septic tank.

Additionally, a septic tank is designed for human waste. The microorganisms that are used to break down human feces may become out of balance with the introduction of new substances. Cat waste contains a parasite called toxoplasma. This nasty parasite can enter the water system through the draining of the septic tank and even get into water waste treatment plants. This parasite can then be spread through animals that drink the water or through fish and shellfish.

How should you dispose of cat feces?

The easiest solution is to scoop the litter and place it in a bag and dispose of it through the trash system. There are some people who will scoop the poop and shake off the litter leaving the clumps of feces, and then flushing this down through the septic tank system. This is not a good idea. Although there is less cat litter it will still build up over a time and the parasite is still attached to the feces. Avoid extra septic tank cleaning in Alvin, TX, and dispose of the cat litter properly.


Cats are beautiful creatures and make wonderful pets. Give them all the love and attention that they need and deserve. Flushing cat feces and litter in a septic tank can add additional costs, so instead dispose of your litter properly and spend that extra money on treats for your feline friend.