Like grease, grit build-up needs to be cleaned regularly. Grit is dirt and sand and, although it may seem harmless, needs to be disposed of safely and properly, just like grease. Drane Ranger provides grease and grit trap cleaning services, collecting and disposing of it safely and properly.
What is a grit trap?
A grit trap is the first essential step to wastewater treatment. Typically, establishments such as car washes, auto repair shops, and manufacturing facilities will have grit traps. Grit traps use two chambers, one primary and one secondary, to separate oily petrochemicals and solid wastes (dirt, sands, and solids) from water. These protect public sewer systems from being inundated with all the junk that collects in the water at businesses like these, whereas grease traps help to collect liquid fats and prevent them from flushing downstream. Food businesses, like restaurants, always have a grease trap.
Why do you need to clean your grit trap?
Using grease and grit trap cleaning services is essential and helps keep costly repairs to a minimum. Having grit and debris reduces process capacity and increases maintenance costs. Grit traps help keep oil, debris, and dirt out of our wastewater collection systems. A grit trap maintenance program is essential to prevent the escape of large quantities of solids. If you aren’t maintaining your grit trap, you risk having it back up either because it needs to be cleaned or because of a blockage. These types of issues can result in costly repairs for your business.
Grit and other solid materials are a costly component of both process water and wastewater, clogging systems, reducing efficiencies and causing abrasion damage and wear that leads to increased cleaning, maintenance, and repair. Grit and debris can be passed downstream and cause big problems. Effective grit removal eliminates abrasive solids and sand before they have the chance to cause major and costly damage. Grease and grit trap cleaning services performed on a regular schedule will ensure things run smoothly.
How often do you need to clean a grit trap?
The City of Houston requires a quarterly pumping schedule and will fine any establishment that is non-compliant. The City reserves the right to conduct site inspections and take samples if needed. The general rule when it comes to grease and grit trap cleaning services is about once a month. However, higher volume establishments will require more frequent cleanings. Don’t get caught between service providers or trying to stretch the time between grit and grease trap cleaning service to save a buck – it’s not worth it!
Are you searching for grease and grit trap cleaning services? Drane Ranger has everything you need to process your general wastewater needs. Drane Ranger is committed to the safe, responsible, and sustainable treatment and disposal of all non-hazardous wastewater. The city of Houston requires cleaning of all traps and, with over 35 years of experience in the Houston area, Drane Ranger is the best choice for grease and grit trap service. Call for a free quote today!