What are the Septic Tank Maintenance secrets?

Nearly one-fifth of U.S. households are not connected to the main sewage network, which equates to more than 21 million households depending on septic systems. Septic tanks are un-derground watertight chambers that, commonly made of fiberglass, plastic, or concrete, collect and treat basic wastewater. While these types of onsite sewage facilities are quite simple, they work around the clock to collect and dispose of excreta, laundry discharge, and wastewater from your toilet and bath. This is why Septic Tank Maintenance is so important! When wastewater separates, the solid particles that cannot be broken down settle to the bottom of the tank, where they form a layer of sludge. If left for too long, this sludge not only releases toxins and pathogens, but it will also cause a very expensive and dangerous mess. In addition to regular cleanings, here are four secrets to maintaining your septic tank.

1. Washing Machine Filters

Does your washing machine have a filter? Because that is the first secret to septic tank mainte-nance. Not using a filter is one of the leading causes of septic system failure; lint, due to its size and weight, does not settle into the septic tank but rather is flushed out, where it clogs the soil in drain fields. While the lint generated from one wash might not seem substantial, the average family’s laundry generates enough lint every year to carpet an entire living room floor! To make matters even worse, the majority of our clothing and carpeting is manufactured from synthetic materials, such as polyester and nylon. These substances, which are comprised of plastics, are not biodegradable and, therefore, will not break down in a septic system. They also cannot be removed once they enter the soil!

2. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Not only are eco-friendly cleaning products better for the planet, hence the name, but they are also a secret weapon in septic tank maintenance. While it may take an excessive amount of laundry detergents, bleaches, and fabric softeners to kill the useful bacteria in your septic sys-tem, which causes it to fail ultimately, this is expedited if you use the drain, toilet bowl, and floor cleaner. We also recommend you avoid dumping solvents, oils, paints, thinners, disinfect-ants, pesticides, or poisons down the drain; these will not only disrupt the treatment process, but they will also contaminate your groundwater.

3. Reduce Your Water Consumption

Increased water flow to your septic tank overloads the system, resulting in a flood. You can avoid overloading your septic system and leach-field by using high-efficiency fixtures, toilets, washers and dryers, and dishwashers. But a more affordable septic tank maintenance secret is simply to spread out your water use.

4. Ditch the Garbage Disposal

If you can’t completely break your garbage disposal habit, we recommend only using it when absolutely necessary. Garbage disposal counts as an extra bath because it requires water to op-erate, and as mentioned above, reducing water consumption is one of the secrets to septic tank maintenance. In addition to using water, garbage disposal also breaks food solids to a size that is small enough to flow from the septic tank into the field, sometimes without being fully di-gested.

Restaurant Grease Trap Cleaning – Why it is so Essential

As a restaurant owner, there’s no doubt that you have some sort of grease trap – a plumbing device that is designed to trap the majority of greases and solids before they continue to a wastewater disposal system! These grease traps are responsible for reducing the amount of greases, fats, and oils that enter the wastewater disposal system. Grease traps are usually installed within the sewer lines of a restaurant’s commercial kitchen. Usually, homes don’t require grease traps, since the amount of grease produced at one’s home is way lower than the amount that grease traps are built for. Since grease traps collect a large variety of unpalatable, and frankly unpleasant, substances, most owners of restaurants hire a grease trap cleaning service. One such company is Drane Ranger, a restaurant grease trap cleaning service that takes care of all the trapped debris within the grease trap for you!

The Inner-Workings of Grease Traps:

Grease traps are vital to the sewer process. Typically, regular wastewater contains tiny amounts of oil and grease which enter septic tanks and treatment facilities. The oil forms a layer on top of the water, which is broken down and digested by a variety of microorganisms. However, large amounts of fat, oil, and grease can interrupt this process and, consequently, lead to an eruption of untreated sewage into the environment! The way that grease traps work is by reducing the flow of hot or warm, greasy water, allowing it to cool down. As this water begins to cool, the grease and oil contained within the water separate and float to the top of the trap in a scum layer. Once this debris has floated to the top, the cool water continues down the pipe to the sewer, and the oil and grease are trapped by the grease trap. Over time, oil and grease residue can build up. This is why it’s vital to hire a restaurant grease trap cleaning service! After all, sanitation and safety are key components in most workplaces, but especially in restaurants.

The Reason Why Grease Traps Need Cleaning:

Grease traps, by nature, regularly require comprehensive maintenance and cleaning! Leaving them uncleaned and unmaintained can lead to a variety of issues; grease, for example, is a primary cause of sewer blockages. This can interrupt wastewater utility operations, even if it doesn’t result in overflowing sewers. It’s better to avoid this situation altogether, and to hire yourself a restaurant grease trap cleaning service! Drane Ranger, for example, has clear documentation and compliance validation, and they offer complete grease trap maintenance and cleaning in the Houston area! This comprehensive cleaning includes grease trap door control to ensure that your traps continue to be effective and that they will not interfere with the safe and sanitary running of your restaurant.

How Often Does Your Grease Trap Need to be Cleaned?

As a general rule, your grease trap should be cleaned out once every three months. If you’re unsure whether or not your grease trap requires cleaning after three months, follow the one-quarter rule. This rule should be followed because it follows the principle that, once your grease trap is a quarter of the way full, it is no longer effective. If you leave your grease trap alone and don’t clean it once it has reached this level, the debris will leak into the pipes, potentially resulting in increased blockages and overflows. Additionally, this also increases the possibility of food contamination! To avoid this situation, hire yourself a restaurant grease trap cleaning service to ensure that your restaurant continues to run smoothly.

Tips to Keep Your Grease Trap Well Functioning

Regular grease trap cleaning is important, especially for commercial kitchens. Over time, kitchens will generate dirt and waste from cooking, especially liquid waste, such as fat, oil, and grease (FOG). When waste builds up, it can become a problem without a proper grease trap cleaning. A grease trap cleaning service can help deal with waste build-up and ensure your grease trap is working efficiently. At Drane Ranger, we are your number one choice when it comes to your grease trap cleaning.

What is a grease trap?

In simple terms, a grease trap connects to a sink with the purpose of preventing FOG from entering the sewer system. Grease traps can be found in kitchens, especially commercial kitchens. The City of Houston requires cleaning of all grease traps within city limits, and without proper maintenance, your grease trap will get clogged and will start causing many issues – issues that will be costly to repair! Let Drane Ranger help maintain your grease trap by providing grease trap cleaning services.

Why commercial kitchens rely on grease traps

Commercial kitchens, such as restaurants and cafeterias, have grease traps because they generate large amounts of waste. By not scheduling regular grease trap cleaning service appointments, waste will accumulate in the sewer pipes and create larger problems, including restricted wastewater flow, blocked drain pipes and sewers, and foul odors. The FOG that these types of kitchen produce is far greater in volume and frequency compared to smaller kitchens, so it’s important to do regular grease trap cleaning to ensure pipes, and the things they connect to, remain functional and safe. A grease trap cleaning service will help prevent problems from arising.

How does a grease trap work?

A grease trap functions by cooling warm or hot greasy water. The cooling of FOG allows for the separation of different layers of waste, and the grease and oil in the water float to the top of the trap, where grease trap cleaning can be implemented. The cooler water, minus the grease, continues to flow down the pipe to the sewer.

Why is grease trap cleaning important?

If you don’t do grease trap cleaning regularly, you risk having it back up either because it needs to be cleaned or because of an outlet blockage. These types of issues can result in costly repairs for your business. Grease trap cleaning, when performed on a regular schedule, will ensure your drains are running smoothly. The general rule, when it comes to grease trap cleaning, is about once a month. However, high volume establishments, like a restaurant, will require more frequent cleanings.

At Drane Ranger, we provide grease trap cleaning service in the Houston area. We are committed to the safe, responsible, and sustainable treatment and disposal of all non-hazardous wastewater. Kitchen grease is the number one cause of blockages in pipes and sewer lines, so grease cleaning service is a must. The city of Houston requires cleaning of all traps, and with over 35 years of experience in the Houston area, Drane Ranger is the best choice for grease trap cleaning service. Call us for a free quote today!

Why and When Do You Need Vacuum Truck Services?

Wastewater can be a hassle for both individuals and businesses, and many people don’t know what to do with it. Vacuum truck services can relieve stress and ensure the job is done correctly and safely for the clients. But when should you call? And why are they the best option? Here are some things to consider!

Regular Waste Water Removal

Vacuum truck services can provide regular disposal of wastewater to business, industrial, and residential properties. When you or your business generate wastewater, you can look for vacuum truck services near me and find quality companies to responsibly and effectively deal with your wastewater. You can organize regular disposal times with companies when you have recurring wastewater needs, and often they will offer to either allow you to drop off the wastewater at their plant or remove it for you.

One-Off Removal

Wastewater vacuum truck services also usually offer one-off services for removal. For whatever reason, if you have non-hazardous wastewater to dispose of, if you are looking for “vacuum truck services near me”, this ad is the right option for you. Vacuum truck services will be able to take care of your wastewater issues without need of further commitment, so you won’t have to worry about that one-time problem.


Vacuum truck services are professionals at what they do. They know how to get the job done right, which is crucial when dealing with something as messy as wastewater. The last thing you want is a leak or flooding, right? By hiring people who are trained for the job, you’ll ensure that there aren’t any mishaps resulting from Do-It-Yourself efforts, and you can rest easy knowing your waste issues are taken care of. Simply searching for “vacuum truck services near me” is a step in the wisest direction for your wastewater removal.


Vacuum truck services know how to deal with your Wastewater ethically and responsibly. After all, you wouldn’t want water like that draining into local ecosystems, would you? Wastewater isn’t something that should be put just anywhere, and it’s important to have it removed and disposed of in the appropriate way, or else you can pose serious safety and environmental risks. Vacuum truck services near me are responsible and ethical companies that can be trusted with such a delicate task. Your waste should be dealt with in an ethical, sustainable way, and that’s what vacuum truck services are all about!


Vacuum truck services are also licensed, meaning they adhere to the laws and regulations set in place for wastewater disposal. You don’t have to worry about potential insurance liabilities or lawsuits that often occur when individuals try to tackle wastewater problems without proper licensing. Searching for “vacuum truck services near me” when you have wastewater issues is both the smart and legal choice.

Overall, wastewater removal services near me can help with both routine and spontaneous wastewater needs, and they can give you the ethical, effective, and professional help you require for this critical matter of health and safety. Search “vacuum truck services near me today” to get started with Drane Ranger.