The Role of Wastewater Lift Stations in Sewage Systems

Without a doubt, wastewater lift stations are essential components of sewage systems around the world. Without them, the efficient collection and treatment of waste wouldn’t be possible. However, despite their importance in our modern society, many people are unaware of exactly what lift stations do or why they’re so important. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how lift stations work and the role they play in allowing us to protect human health and preserve our environment while ensuring that sewage flows where it needs to go with minimal disruption. Get ready for an in-depth look into one of the unsung heroes of our infrastructure!

Overview of Wastewater Lift Stations and their Role in Sewage Systems

Wastewater lift stations are a critical component of sewage systems that play an essential role in the proper treatment and disposal of wastewater. These stations pump wastewater from a low elevation to a higher elevation, allowing gravity to take over and transport the wastewater through the rest of the system. Without lift stations, sewage would be unable to overcome changes in elevation and flow would be restricted. These stations typically house pumps, controls, and other equipment necessary for proper wastewater management. Although lift stations may not be the most glamorous aspect of sewage systems, they are critical to ensuring the efficient and effective movement of wastewater.

Different Types of Wastewater Lift Stations and Their Uses

Wastewater lift stations are integral components in a community’s sewage collection and treatment system. They are designed to lift wastewater from low-lying areas to higher elevations so that it can flow by gravity to a treatment plant. There are different types of wastewater lift stations, each with its distinctive functions and purposes. For instance, submersible lift stations are typically used in residential areas, while dry-pit lift stations are commonly found in industrial facilities. Other types of wastewater lift stations include vacuum prime systems, self-priming pumps, and hydraulic ram pumps. Regardless of their type and application, wastewater lift stations ( play a crucial role in maintaining the environmental and public health standards of a community.

Latest Trends in Clean Water Solutions with Wastewater Lift Stations

Clean water is becoming an increasingly vital resource in today’s world, and finding ways to efficiently manage wastewater is essential. A new trend in this field is the use of wastewater lift stations, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. These stations are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to lift wastewater to higher elevations, making it easier to transport and manage. In addition to their many practical advantages, these stations have a sleek and modern look, which fits in well with contemporary design trends. As more and more communities turn to clean water solutions, wastewater lift stations are sure to become an even more important part of our lives.

In conclusion, wastewater lift stations serve as an essential component of any sewage system. They are available in multiple types and sizes to accommodate the needs of different environments. The latest trends in clean water solutions have also benefitted from the use of lift stations, providing new solutions for areas that need them most. Eliminating waste is getting easier each day with the use of wastewater lift stations, proving their worth in both effectiveness and economic value. As such, if you’re looking for a reliable and innovative solution for your wastewater system, be sure to contact Drane Ranger – our team has years of specialized experience working with lift stations! Now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities of what additional lift station improvements can do by keeping up with these soil-shifting trends.

How Wastewater Lift Stations Are Saving Lives and Reducing Pollution?

Have you ever wondered how wastewater systems keep our lives clean and safe? The answer lies in the power of lift stations. Lift stations are unsung heroes responsible for moving wastewater safely away from homes, schools, businesses, hospitals, and other facilities so that it can be properly processed before being discharged into streams, rivers, or lakes. In addition to reducing the risk of contamination and disease caused by raw sewage entering water sources, lift stations also protect our environment from hazardous pollutants. Learn more about how these powerful machines help us live healthier lives while protecting local watersheds.

What is a Wastewater Lift Station and How Does it Work to Reduce Pollution?

Wastewater lift stations play a crucial role in managing waste and reducing water pollution. These stations function as intermediary pumping stations in a gravity-based sewer system, lifting wastewater from lower to higher elevations and ultimately directing it to treatment plants. Usually located in low-lying areas, wastewater lift stations are equipped with pumps, motors, and controls to maintain optimal flow rates and prevent backflow. This is important because any accumulation of wastewater could potentially lead to environmental hazards, including contamination and the spread of diseases. By efficiently transporting wastewater, lift stations help ensure the health and safety of communities while also minimizing the negative impact on natural ecosystems.

The Impact of Wastewater Pollution on the Environment

Wastewater pollution poses a severe threat to the environment. The discharge of harmful chemicals and contaminants into our waterways, oceans, and groundwater has caused significant damage to aquatic life and ecosystems. This untreated water affects the quality of water we drink and impacts public health. We rely heavily on freshwater resources to sustain our communities, and wastewater pollution jeopardizes the availability of clean water for future generations.

It is for these reasons that wastewater lift stations remain crucial to all water infrastructure, whether it’s a sprawling municipality or smaller communities. These stations provide critical management of wastewater to help us treat water and redirect it somewhere safe.

How Wastewater Lift Stations Can Help Save Lives

Wastewater lift stations may not seem like the most glamorous topic, but they play a vital role in our communities. These stations collect wastewater from homes and businesses before pumping it to a treatment facility. Without them, our streets would be flooded with sewage, leading to disease and environmental hazards. But did you know that these stations also help save lives? By collecting wastewater from hospitals, they prevent harmful pathogens from entering the water supply, ultimately protecting public health.

Benefits of Installing a Wastewater Lift Station

Installing a wastewater lift station is a smart investment for any property owner. Whether you’re running a restaurant or managing a residential area, a lift station can help eliminate the hassle and expense of maintaining other systems. The benefits of a lift station include improved efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and increased safety. Overall, investing in a lift station is a wise decision that can offer long-term savings and peace of mind.

Importance of Proper Maintenance of a Wastewater Lift Station for Maximum Lifespan and Efficiency

A wastewater lift station is an integral part of any sewer system, responsible for pumping sewage from lower to higher elevations. Regular maintenance of lift stations is essential to ensure that they operate efficiently and safely. By implementing a proactive maintenance plan, operators can avoid costly repairs and equipment failures, and extend the lifespan of the station. Proper cleaning and inspection of the pumps, motors, valves, and control systems can help identify problems before they become critical. Furthermore, regular maintenance can improve the energy efficiency of the station, reducing electricity costs and minimizing its environmental impact. Ultimately, proper maintenance of a wastewater lift station will ensure that it operates at peak performance, providing reliable and safe sewage removal for years to come.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Installing a Wastewater Lift Station

When it comes to installing a wastewater lift station, it is important to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to fully understand the financial impact it may have. Such analysis can help determine whether the investment is worth it in the long run. While there is an upfront cost for installation, a lift station can increase the efficiency and reliability of wastewater management in the long term. The benefit of reduced maintenance costs and improved flow control, as well as the ability to better regulate water pressure, can all contribute to a lift station’s value. However, the costs of ongoing maintenance, repairs, and upgrading of the system may add up over time. Ultimately, the benefits of a lift station will depend on the individual needs of the organization or community it serves, and a careful cost-benefit analysis is key to making the right decision.

Where to Find Qualified Wastewater Management Services

If you own a wastewater lift station or are looking for wastewater management solutions, then Drane Ranger is here to help. Our team of experts has been helping people in Texas keep their wastewater lift stations operating at maximum efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your wastewater solutions through regular, professional cleaning and maintenance.

Why Wastewater Lift Stations are Essential for Proper Waste Management?

Proper waste management is essential for any community and property, and one of the most important components of an effective waste management system are lift stations. Lift stations help to pump wastewater from low-lying areas to higher ground, where it can be properly treated. Without lift stations, sewage would build up in low-lying areas and create health and environmental hazards. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why a wastewater lift station in Houston is essential for proper waste management and how to get the help you need with your lift station.

What is a Wastewater Lift Station and Why Do We Need Them?

Wastewater lift stations are specially designed facilities that use pumps, valves, and related electrical and control equipment to collect wastewater from multiple sources, including homes and businesses. The wastewater is then lifted to the necessary elevation for gravity to help it flow into sewers or other treatment systems. In addition, a wastewater lift station in Houston helps control water levels and regulate wastewater flow during periods of high demand or rain events. These critical wastewater systems help protect our communities and properties by managing wastewater flows effectively and safely.

What are the Benefits of having a Properly Functioning Lift Station in Place?

Installing and maintaining a wastewater lift station in Houston offers several benefits to residents, businesses, and government officials. A properly functioning lift station ensures wastewater is reliably transferred from low-lying areas to higher elevation levels for proper transport and treatment. This facilitates safety for both residential and commercial properties. By keeping everyone safer, it creates a more positive environment overall. In addition, from an environmental standpoint, it helps curb wastewater pollution. A well-functioning wastewater lift station helps reduce the number of wastewater overflows to waterways during storm events, thus protecting our local bodies of water. Having a properly functioning lift station goes a long way in providing safe surroundings for everyone.

Are There any Dangers Associated with Malfunctioning or Outdated Wastewater Lift Stations?

Outdated or malfunctioning lift stations can expose communities and residents to serious safety and environmental risks. The potential for flooding, sewage contamination, and hazardous incidents are increased when wastewater lift stations are not in working order. In worst-case scenarios, a failing station can cause raw sewage overflows into streets, homes, and bodies of water, which threaten human health, animal habitats, and the environment. As the weather becomes more unpredictable in the area, ensuring proper maintenance of a wastewater lift station in Houston is essential to keeping your property safe.

Where to Get Help with a Wastewater Lift Station in Houston

Proactive maintenance and regular inspections are essential to ensure that lift stations always remain operational, safeguarding against these potentially hazardous outcomes. That is why many people who rely on a wastewater lift station in Houston use Drane Ranger for maintenance and help. Our team of experts can ensure your lift station is safe and working properly, thus ensuring these systems last longer and save money in the long run.

How Does a Wastewater Lift Station in Houston Work?

Our sewage systems are far more complex than many people think. The process of collecting, processing and safely transporting our wastewater requires multiple systems working together. For some, a wastewater lift station is a key part of that system. Today, we’re going to look at how a wastewater lift station in Houston works, what makes it different from similar technologies, and how you can make sure your wastewater system is operating at its best.

What is a wastewater lift system?

At its core, a wastewater lift station moves wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. Many people choose a lift station over other wastewater technologies because it’s more affordable to build. The system doesn’t require a lot of excavation to install, which means it can be a lower bill at the outset. The station makes use of “gravity pipes,” sloped pipes that use gravity to move the wastewater. These move the wastewater to a wet well, which is a holding container that empties out once it reaches a certain predetermined level.

While in the wet well, the wastewater is monitored and treated. Solid materials are removed during this time and everything is carefully monitored to ensure it doesn’t overflow.

Once the wastewater rises to the set amount for the wet well, the wastewater lift station pump gets to work. Using a pressurized sewer force main, the pump “lifts” the wastewater to the next stage of its journey, which is usually towards treatment and recirculation in the larger sewage infrastructure.

There are also dry well variations on the wastewater lift station. This is a common type of wastewater lift station in Houston. With a dry well, the system is housed separately and requires more experienced servicing. This is because the separate location makes the work more potentially hazardous and difficult. No matter what type of wastewater lift station you have, you will need professional servicing. But this is especially true with a dry well system.

What’s the difference between a lift station and a pump station?

While “lift station” and “pump station” can be used intermittently, there is actually a big difference. While a lift station is focused on moving a relatively small amount of wastewater through the sewage system, pump stations are designed to move large quantities of water overall. They are common in places like Florida where vast amounts of water may need to be moved. You are far more likely to find a wastewater lift station in Houston than a pump station.

Where to find quality wastewater lift station service

Do you own a wastewater lift station in Houston? Then you will need experienced and reliable service professionals to perform routine cleanings, maintenance, and the safe removal of wastewater when required. Drane Ranger has been offering these services to people in Houston and the surrounding areas for decades.

Contact us today to set up regular services for your wastewater lift station in Houston. We can ensure that your system is operating at its best instead of waiting for something to break. This keeps your wastewater system operating properly and can save you money by fixing small issues today instead of large ones later. For a wastewater lift station that lasts longer, contact Drane Ranger today.

Wastewater Lift Station – Why Do You Need Them?

In wastewater transport, pumping stations are designed to collect and transport wastewater to a point of higher elevation. Pumping stations are also known as lift stations. Wastewater lift stations in Houston are typically designed to handle wastewater that is fed from underground gravity pipelines and stored in an underground pit or wet well. The wet well is equipped with electrical instrumentation to detect the level of wastewater present.

As many Houston households, businesses, and industries agree, wastewater lift stations in Houston are essential equipment. And a thorough inspection and maintenance of wastewater lift station valves, pipes, pumps, and all other functioning parts is an essential service.

The problem-free and efficient function of the wastewater lift station in Houston is crucially important.

The average sewage system is a lot more complex than some think. It is a multi-step process with many components, all of which work together to manage wastewater. Wastewater lift stations in Houston are important for managing wastewater, raising sewage from lower elevations to higher elevations where gravity makes collecting and separating the waste more efficient.

A wastewater lift station in Houston is a key part of an effective sewage collection system that allows raw sewage to flow underground in sloped pipelines, known as gravity pipelines, and uses gravity to keep costs down. The process of wastewater lift stations in Houston saves a substantial amount of money in the front-end construction and excavation costs of digging for sewer pipes.

Although the function of wastewater lift stations in Houston is important, regular inspection and maintenance of the lift station is also very important, because a wastewater lift station in Houston consists of pipes and multiple working parts and components.

For example, a large commercial facility like a warehouse must monitor its wastewater lift station and schedule inspections and maintenance from licensed professionals. Everything from a power supply to remote monitoring and control must be in good working order, so wastewater can be effectively collected and treated.

Professional wastewater lift stations in Houston maintenance should also include guaranteed safe disposal of sewage and related materials.

In addition to the lift station valves, pipes, pumps, and all other functioning parts, professional maintenance should also include logging and monitoring flow readings, cleaning floats, greasing motors, and testing power supplies and backup generators.

The regular inspection and maintenance can help avoid some common warning signs of wastewater lift stations in Houston trouble.

Debris can accumulate in wastewater lift stations over time, causing slow drainage and interrupting the flow of water. Drainage speed is one of the first indicators of a wastewater lift station problem. Bad odors—also caused by debris accumulation and possible clogging—from a wastewater lift station in Houston are also common early warning signs of future system failure.

Signs Your Wastewater Lift Station Need Professional Assistance

Do you own a wastewater lift station in Houston? Then you may need to get an inspection. Here are a few common signs that suggest your lift station needs some professional attention, and what to do if you notice a problem.

1. The High-Level Alarm Goes Off

Some entries in this list will point to signs that could point to your wastewater system or something else. When it comes to your high-level alarm going off, however, that is a sure sign that your wastewater lift station in Houston needs professional assistance. This alarm is specifically designed to give you a warning that your wastewater station is close to overflowing. If you get this alarm, do not wait around. Contact a professional wastewater lift station right here at Drane Ranger. We can send someone along for an inspection right away to assess the issue and prevent further problems.

2. You Notice Slow Drainage

Has your drainage noticeably slowed down? That could be linked to your wastewater lift station. In fact, many homes that experience a drop in drainage speeds can trace the problem directly back to their wastewater lift station. If you have drainage issues and your pipes are clear, then the problem may be your lift station. Be sure to contact a professional to come and take a look.

3. Increased Sewer and Water Backups

Have you noticed that your sewage and plumbing systems have been backing up a lot recently? If so, then you may need to call the professionals to check out your wastewater lift station in Houston. A noticeable increase in things backing up, or back-ups that happen with any amount of regular frequency, may be a sign that your lift station needs some professional attention. In these cases, you may also need to call in a plumber, but a wastewater professional can help advise you on next steps after they inspect your lift station.

4. There’s a Strong Odor

Easily, one of the most noticeable signs that your wastewater lift station in Houston is in need of professional attention is a smell. We unfortunately all know the smell of sewage, and, if you catch a whiff of it, then you will likely need to get a professional to check out your lift station and anything else that is related. The good news is that a bad smell doesn’t necessarily mean that your station is broken. It may just need some quick maintenance to help it get working again.

Drane Ranger is dedicated to helping the people of Houston and surrounding areas with all of their wastewater lift station needs. Whether your lift station has been causing problems or you just need a regular inspection, our team of professionals are here to help. When it comes to lift stations, it never pays to wait or leave it without regular inspections. In fact, getting your wastewater lift station in Houston checked regularly can help you save money in the long run. And our team of professionals can help.

How A Wastewater Lift Station Reduces Maintenance & Extends Life?

Although a wastewater lift station is an absolute essential, many home and business owners in Houston are unaware of what it does…until a problem arises, that is. We are afforded the luxury of not having to think about how wastewater is removed from our daily lives because a lift station does the work for us. But that doesn’t mean we can forget about lift stations altogether. To ensure things are running smoothly, wastewater lift stations need to be properly serviced. If they are neglected, serious damage can occur. Keep reading to learn how wastewater lift stations in Houston work, and the benefits they provide.

What is Wastewater?

Wastewater is used water that contains many substances, such as human waste, food scraps, grease, detergents, soaps, and other harmful chemicals. In order to protect the environment from further pollution, as well as our own health and safety, wastewater must be cleaned before being released into another body of water. It comes from many sources—everything we flush down the toilet or drain, rainwater and runoff, and agricultural and industrial facilities all produce wastewater. Some sewage is easier to treat than others, but in order for it to be treated, it must journey to a wastewater treatment plant. That is where wastewater lift stations come into the equation — they play an integral role in moving sewage throughout Houston while saving a substantial amount of money in excavation costs.

How does a Lift Station Work?

To put it simply, a wastewater lift station helps pump wastewater throughout different areas of Houston, moving it from a lower elevation to a higher elevation so it can go from Point A to Point B. But there are many mechanisms at play, including a wastewater receiving well, also known as a wet-well. This is a basin or pit in which wastewater is stored — it is often equipped with a screen or grinder to break down large matter so it is easier to transport. Once the sewage reaches a certain level, the pump is activated and the waste is moved out of the lift through a series of pipes, with the help of a power supply system and motors. A lift station also includes an alarm system and a ventilation system of some sort to control odor. Typically, there is also some sort of hatch or opening for easy pump removal.

What happens if a Lift Station Fails?

Because lift stations are responsible for pumping wastewater throughout Houston, they require professional maintenance to ensure they are working properly. Without regular check-ins, wet well cleaning, and jetting, clogs and buildups can occur, and this can lead to serious property damage and health crises. Wastewater can back up in the collection system, causing sewer backups in homes or an overflow to the surrounding area. The methane and other gases stored in wastewater lift stations in Houston are also highly corrosive and can cause further damage to the environment and property. Depending on the size, condition, and maintenance history of a lift station, repair expenses can begin in the 5-figure area. However, if these issues are resolved beforehand, a wastewater lift station can reduce overall maintenance costs and extend the value of your property. Visit our website for more details.

Why Should You Consider Hiring a Wastewater Lift Station Professional?

A wastewater lift station is one of the most important parts of many wastewater disposal and collection systems. They are often found in larger buildings or ones that require some help in disposing of wastewater in a safe and effective manner. Today, we are going to talk about why you need a qualified professional to help with any wastewater lift station in Houston.

But first: what is a wastewater lift station? The answer is in the name. These devices lift wastewater from lower to higher elevations, often to account for water that is collected below the natural water level of the area or to help move it to a better drainage point. They are often quite complex devices, which is why most people with a wastewater lift station in Houston contact professionals to help repair and maintain these devices.

If you own a wastewater lift station in Houston, here are a few reasons why you need to contact Drane Ranger to professionally and properly maintain your station.

Wastewater Lift Stations are Complex

Did you know that most wastewater lift stations are surprisingly complex devices? They often use a combination of mechanical and electrical pumping mechanisms to move and store the wastewater that they collect, and that means you need a professional to help fix your wastewater lift station in Houston.

If your wastewater lift station in Houston is damaged, there may be many reasons for the issue. It could be as simple as replacing a part or as complex as fixing the entire system. In either case, only experienced professionals can help you with your wastewater lift station in Houston.

Fixing Wastewater Lift Stations can be Dangerous

As with any device that is moving large amounts of wastewater, your wastewater lift station in Houston can be a dangerous piece of machinery that is handled improperly. That is why you must contact a professional to help with any repairs and maintenance of your lift station. Without the right procedures for turning it off and preparing the area for safe repairs, you could end up hurting yourself. So instead of risking your own health and safety, contact Drane Ranger for help with your wastewater lift station.

Regular Maintenance will Save You Money

As with most things in life, it is much cheaper to have something fixed than replaced. This is especially true for your wastewater lift station in Houston. Instead of waiting for it to break, be sure to schedule regular maintenance with a professional lift station expert. They can help maintain your device and reduce the need for costly repairs that spring from poor or non-existent maintenance.

If you have a wastewater lift station, then you will need to hire professionals to handle its maintenance and repairs. Just like other wastewater devices, like sump pumps, these contraptions require professional service and maintenance to ensure that they are working properly. So if you have a wastewater lift station in Houston, contact Drane Ranger. We can repair and schedule regular maintenance of your lift station to make sure that it’s working properly for longer.

What You Need to Look for in a Wastewater Lift Station Company

Wastewater lift stations are a crucial aspect of our sewer systems, and lift station cleaning and wet well maintenance are some of the most critical services needed by businesses and properties. Most places require strict sewage control, so these lift stations must consistently meet the highest possible standards, and they need to be annually surveyed to ensure they continue to be effective. If you’re in the Houston, Texas area and are looking for vacuum truck services near me then Drane Ranger is the company to call!

What is a Wastewater Lift Station?

Wastewater/sewage lift stations, which are also known as pump stations, are used for pumping sewage or wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. This is needed in situations where the elevation of the source is insufficient for gravity flow, or when the use of gravity conveyance results in costly construction fees or excessive excavation. Drane Ranger is a wastewater lift station company that offers numerous services, such as vacuum truck services near me, in the Houston, Texas area. Most companies, including Drane Ranger, offer pump and haul services for industrial, businesses, and residential properties. Regular or one-off wastewater pickup is another service offered by Drane Ranger.

What Should You Look for in a Wastewater Lift Company?

Pumping raw wastewater or sewage from lower elevations to higher ones needs one thing above all – regular maintenance! You are going to want a wastewater lift company that offers regular maintenance and services, like vacuum truck service. Lift stations especially need regular maintenance more so than other areas of the system. The parts of these stations, including pumps to move the wastewater, a screen to filter coarse materials, alarm and control systems, and an odor ventilation system. All of these parts must be checked annually! Besides maintenance, another service your wastewater lift company should offer is cleaning! The buildup of grease and oil, which can get through screens but are too thick to be moved uphill by the pump system, can be a real issue. When these materials build up, the functionality of the lift station can be negatively affected; and if this buildup isn’t taken care of, it can cause the pump to break. This is why regular, monthly cleanings are required in many cities and countries to avoid these kinds of issues. The vacuum truck service, offered by Drane Ranger, is dispatched to your location, cleans up your wastewater, and safely disposes it at a licensed waste treatment plant. You will want a wastewater lift company that is dedicated to the responsible, safe, and sustainable treatment and disposal of all non-hazardous wastewater. The wastewater lift company that you choose should comply with all local and state regulations with regards to both the disposal methods and the certifications required by their staff. When you are looking for a vacuum truck service near me or other such services, you should ensure that they offer the services crucial to the continued well-being of your wastewater lift station. After all, no one wants to deal with sewer problems!

Hire Professionals for Effective Wastewater Management in Your Premises

Dealing with sewage and wastewater on a commercial site is a critical task, there are many strict laws to ensure the safety of people and the environment when it comes to sewage. Keeping your wastewater management under control will require you to hire a company that will keep your wastewater lift station in Houston in working order; maintained and functional to keep their effectiveness and comply with laws. Scheduled maintenance visits are a must, and you’ll need a trusted company like Drane Ranger to keep yours working correctly, or to repair your wastewater management systems if something goes wrong.

Wastewater Lift Stations

Wastewater lift stations are the backbone of an effective wastewater and sewage management system on a commercial property. Knowing how the lift station works is important for being able to diagnose issues and know when you need to call in a professional to repair your wastewater lift station in Houston. A wastewater lift station is a system that is required if any of your waste sources are below the septic system or sewage drain level; where gravity cannot help move the wastewater and sewage to the septic system. A wastewater lift station has multiple components: the receiving well where the wastewater and sewage are collected; the pump to facilitate the lifting of the wastewater; a power source; and a control panel with a high water alarm to control the system. Failure can occur in any of these systems, which requires you to call in a trusted professional to clean and repair them to a working and effective state.

Common Wastewater Lift Station Issues

There are several problems that are common with wastewater lift stations in Houston that need to be seen to and repaired in a timely manner to prevent leakage or other major issues in your commercial wastewater system.

Corrosion – Like many systems, corrosion is an issue that needs to be dealt with; this is especially so with lift stations as sewage is highly corrosive. All hardware, fittings, and the receiving well need to be regularly inspected for corrosion

Pump Issues – Pumps need to be regularly inspected to ensure their continued efficient functionality. Short or intermittent cycling, check valve and pressure switch issues, worn out motors and component issues can pop up. If the pump sounds different than usual, excess noise or vibrations, it may need to be serviced.

Floats and Alarms – During regular maintenance floats and alarms need to be tested to ensure the system will not overflow.

Pipes – Regular checks of the piping of the system can ensure that there won’t be any clogs, or leaks due to a worn-out pipe. As well, roots can be an issue, and you need to make sure they are not getting into the pipes.

If you believe any issues have arisen with your wastewater lift station, then contact a professional immediately to have the system checked. You do not want a wastewater or sewage issue on-site, as that can lead to severe problems with your commercial premises and plumbing system.

Wastewater Lift Station Repair Experts

Contact Drane Ranger today if you require the services of a professional repair expert for a wastewater lift station in Houston. You can schedule an appointment today, and set up regularly scheduled maintenance visits to ensure your system stays in efficient working order for years to come. Follow this page for more details.