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Why Should Restaurants Clean Their Grease Traps Regularly?

Home Blog Why Should Restaurants Clean Their Grease Traps Regularly?

As a business owner you are well aware of the vast amount of tasks that you need to do on a daily basis to maintain your business and keep it running smoothly to maximize profits. Sometimes certain tasks that are more important are prioritized while you forget about the basic tasks, such as cleaning out your grease traps. It is important to regularly do your restaurant grease trap cleaning no matter what else comes up, because it can cause your business problems quickly if it is not taken care of.

Tank Damage

Something that isn’t apparent right away when dealing with your restaurant grease trap cleaning is the damage that can happen to the tank if you don’t perform regular cleanings. If you don’t clean out the system regularly, food particles in your traps can start to decay, which will produce hydrogen sulfur gas resulting in sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is a dangerous chemical that can damage the integrity of your grease trap system.

Offensive Odors

When you start to ignore your restaurant grease trap cleaning your customers may not notice it, but rest assured your kitchen staff and guests will eventually notice the rancid odor of a clogged grease trap system when food particles start to decay. Offensive odors lead to customers turning away and a bad reputation, giving you another reason to clean your grease traps regularly.


Fines levied by the county or city can cost your business precious profits, and if you aren’t taking care of your restaurant grease trap cleaning you could have city inspectors knocking at your door. When your grease trap gets too full, it stops doing what it’s supposed to, and starts sending fats, oils and greases (FOGs) into the municipal sewer system. If too many FOGs enter the sewer system it can cause clogs and backups on a large scale causing issues for everyone. Serious damage means serious fines.

Clog Costs

You might think you are saving money by putting off a restaurant grease trap cleaning, but in the end the cost of regular maintenance is cheaper than dealing with a fully clogged system. If your grease trap system starts to build up too much too often you may start to get build up that is far more difficult to remove. This means more time and more money to clear the trap. Grease traps not properly maintained will cause clogs and backups all over your restaurant, from drains, to toilets and dishwashers.

Detect Needed Maintenance

One of the less thought of benefits of regular restaurant grease trap cleaning is the fact that when you have a company come and clean your traps they can also check on the health of your grease trap system. Having someone capable of detecting any potential issues in your system can allow you to fix the issue before it becomes a major breakdown and avoid major repairs in the future. The expertise of a professional grease trap cleaner is an invaluable investment.

If you are a restaurant owner in Houston and need a professional expert restaurant grease trap cleaning service, contact Drane Ranger today.

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