Without proper septic tank maintenance, you run the risk of your septic tank failing. Not treating and disposing of sewage in a sound environmental or safe fashion can cause the leakage of substantial amounts of chemicals such as ammonia or fecal coliform into surface water and nearby wells.
Septic tanks are the same as other major appliances, and they need routine septic tank maintenance. The purpose of a septic tank is to stop solids from entering the drainfield. If they reach this area, they’ll clog the small spores in the gravel and soil below; resulting in sewage backing up into your house or surfacing in your yard.
There are signs to watch for to make sure it doesn’t happen, but you should never let your tank get to this stage due to lack of septic tank maintenance.
Signs You Need Emergency Septic Tank Maintenance
• Your pipes aren’t clogged, but your drains empty slowly.
• Sewage backs up into your house.
• You noticed a smelly wet spot in your yard.
• Your septic tank pipes to a stream or ditch.
• Your sink or washing machine is piped to a stream or road.
• When the ground is wet from rainfall, you experience issues with your drains.
• A wet spot appears in your yard when you’re doing laundry.
• You need to pump your septic tank more than once a year.
• The grass around or over your septic tank is greener than the rest of your lawn.
If you’re experiencing any of the above, you should contact a septic tank maintenance company as soon as possible. As we mentioned earlier, the best practice is to care for your tank on a regular basis. If you find this idea distasteful, the good news is you don’t have to do it yourself because there are companies who offer this service.
A septic tank maintenance company can inspect the effluent filter or sanitary tee outlet to make sure it’s functioning properly as well.
How Does a Septic Tank Work?
To understand the importance of septic tank maintenance more fully perhaps it would be easier to first understand what they do and how they work. Simply put, a septic tank is an underground watertight tank that’s usually made of plastic or concrete, and it’s divided into two compartments.
Your septic tank receives all household or business sewage and separates the liquid part of waste from the solid portion. The liquid portion passes out of the tank after around 24-hours. Your septic tank has three purposes: first it collects the solid materials, secondly it allows some bacterial breakdown of waste materials to happen, and third, it acts as a storage chamber for undigested solid materials that need removal. This is where regular septic tank maintenance comes in.
To help with septic tank maintenance, you should also check your plumbing fixtures regularly for leaking toilet cisterns or leaking taps, and have them repaired.
If you’re looking for a company specializing in septic tank maintenance in Houston, we can help. You can call us to make scheduled visits to your property to inspect and maintain your sewage system. For more information, visit our website.