Most commonly found in rural areas where there is no centralized sewer system, septic tanks are found underground and treat wastewater. Together with the power of nature and technology, septic tanks treat the wastewater produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry, for example. Septic tanks function by digesting organic matter and separating floatable matter (ex. oil and grease) and solids from the wastewater. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, households with a septic tank system should have it inspected at least every three years by a professional septic service company. As well, septic tanks should receive septic tank pump out service every three to five years. At Drane Ranger, we provide septic tank pump-out service and maintenance services in the Greater Houston-area.
Here are four major reasons to hire a professional to perform a septic tank pump-out service:
To Prevent Overflow and System Failure
As the septic tank fills up, it’s important to empty the tank, based on recommended guidelines. By not having a septic tank pump-out service performed, owners run the risk of overflow, which may result in damaging the septic system, backing up the plumbing, and ruining your landscape, all of which costs money to repair. Depending on the size of your household, you may need to empty your septic tank more frequently. When you hire a professional to perform a septic tank pump-out service, they will also discuss maintenance programs, which are designed to protect your system against failure and reduce the chance of clogs and other drainage issues. Proper maintenance also will help your septic tank to leach wastewater efficiently into your soil without causing landscape or plumbing damage.
Save Time and Money
If you’re considering cleaning out your own septic tank, you may want to think again. It’s not a cheap project, and it could end up costing more if done incorrectly. Without the proper training, locating the source of the issue could waste time. Drane Ranger experts are trained to locate the issue quickly and provide effective, cost-efficient results. Save time and money, contact us today!
Professionals Have the Correct Equipment and Training
Performing a proper septic tank pump-out service requires the right equipment and training. Tools include a gully sucker, high-water pressure jets, and other industry-grade, high tech tools. Equally important is the environmental aspect of a septic tank pump-out service. At Drane Ranger, we are committed to the safe and secure disposal of sewage.
Safety Assurance
Individuals who choose to clean their own septic tank put themselves at risk for infection and/or illness. Without the proper training and equipment, it’s easy to come in contact with dangerous bacteria and gases, which are emitted through the tank. Exposure to these harmful contaminants can lead to serious illnesses that can easily spread. Don’t risk your health or the health of others!
Contact Drane Ranger today and have a professional come out to perform your septic tank pump out service. Our experts work with safety masks and other special gear to execute the job correctly and safely!