Septic tanks perform a necessary service for many homes and businesses. Just like other im-portant parts of a building or home, they need regular maintenance and care. But if they don’t get that proper care, what can happen? And what happens if a septic tank is left too long with-out getting drained? We answer that question today and tell you why a septic tank pump out service might be the solution to your septic tank maintenance needs.
The Problems of Septic Overflow
The quick and easy answer to the question, “what happens if a septic tank is never pumped out?” is simply, “it overflows.” When left to their own devices, septic tanks slowly rise while “digesting” the materials that flow into it. Usually, there is a release that triggers when the di-gested material reaches a certain level, taking it to a “leaching field” (more on leaching fields below). While this process can sometimes be in equilibrium, where the material coming in and being digested is less than or equal to the material being moved to the leaching field, some-times the material will be too much, leading to an overflow that could have been solved by call-ing a septic tank pump out service.
Once your septic tank overflows, you will know. Mostly because the ground around your septic tank may become unusually lush and, more importantly, because a distinctive smell will arise. The combination of the material coming in and the “digesting” process can be overwhelming, and this will be pushed forward if the tank overflows because it was never pumped. By that point, you will need more than a septic tank pump out service.
Considerations with Leaching Fields
Leaching fields are where digested material from septic tanks are moved once the tank reaches a certain level. These fields are often made of sand and rock to absorb the liquid and any po-tential smell. Of course, depending on the leaching field, too much material from the septic tank can cause problems itself. This is why many people use a septic tank pump out service from trained professionals. They can regularly drain a septic tank while also ensuring that the leaching field is right for the tank and amount of material.
How to Prevent Septic Tank Overflow
The easiest, most convenient, and most reliable way to ensure that your septic tank never over-flows is to hire a septic tank pump out service. With trained professionals offering regular sep-tic pump out service, you can rest easy knowing that none of the above situations will happen. Plus, having an experienced professional regularly pump out your septic offers a chance to give it a quick inspection, meaning they can help spot potential problems early, before they become major and expensive repairs.
Drane Ranger is dedicated to making septic tank maintenance easy, simple, and affordable. Our team of dedicated professionals understands septic tanks, they know how to drain them properly, and they understand when maintenance needs to be done. If you are in need of a sep-tic tank pump out service, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about this and other services we offer to people in the area.