Typical Signs of a Clogged Drain

As a homeowner, it’s important to keep your home’s plumbing system in good condition. One of the most common plumbing problems that homeowners face is a clogged drain. A clogged drain not only causes inconvenience but can also lead to costly repairs if not taken care of properly. In this blog post, we will be discussing the typical signs of a clogged drain and what to do when you encounter them.

Slow Draining Sinks

One of the most common signs of a clogged drain is a slow-draining sink. When water takes longer than usual to drain, it may be a sign of a clog in the drainpipe. To fix this issue, you can try using a sink plunger or a drain snake to remove the obstruction.

Bad Odors

Foul smells emanating from your sink or drain may indicate a clogged drain. This is because food particles or other debris that have been trapped in the drain can produce odors over time. To get rid of the smell, consider using a natural cleaner like baking soda and vinegar, or a chemical drain cleaner.

Water on the Floor Around the Appliances

If you spot water on the floor around your appliances, such as your washing machine or dishwasher, it could be due to a clogged drain. When water can’t flow through the drainpipes, it may overflow and spill onto the floor. Try cleaning the drain trap or using a plumbing snake to unclog the drain.

Backed Up Drains or Toilets

A blocked drain can cause water to back up, leading to an overflow. If you notice water backing up into your sink or toilet, it’s likely that you have a clogged drain. In this case, try plunging the sink or toilet to remove the blockage.

High Water Bills

A clogged drain can often cause your water bills to skyrocket. If you notice a sudden increase in your water bill but have not drastically increased your usage, it could be due to a clogged drain. A clog can slow the draining process, which means your water will be running longer than usual.

Pests and Rodents

You may see an increase in pest or rodent activity around clogged sink drains. This is because a clogged drain can attract insects and rodents looking for food or water. If you spot this issue, try sealing off any cracks in the pipes and cleaning the drain. Before calling pest control, call a professional plumber to check out the problem.

Need a Solution for Blocked Drains?

A clogged drain is an inconvenience that many homeowners must deal with. However, if you know the signs and symptoms of a clogged drain, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your plumbing system running like new. You can always try DIY options first but don’t hesitate to call Drane Ranger if the problem persists or if you’re unsure what to do. We specialize in maintaining and clearing drains. Remember, preventive maintenance is key to keeping your plumbing system in good condition, so call Drane Ranger to take care of the problem today!

What’s the Best Solution to Blocked Drains Caused by the Build Up of Fat, Oil, and Grease?

Blocked drains are a common problem in many households, and they can be frustrating to deal with. Clogs caused by fat, oil, and grease can build up over time, leading to slow drainage and even complete blockages. These substances are common in many household items, such as cooking oil, butter, gravy, and meat juices. Most homeowners aren’t aware of the damage caused by these substances when they are washed down the drain.

Causes of Blocked Drains

Many people don’t realize that fat, oil, and grease can lead to blocked drains. When these liquids are poured down the drain, they can stick to the inside of the pipes and build up over time, causing blockages. This not only creates an unpleasant smell but also affects the efficiency of the entire drainage system.

To avoid experiencing blocked drains in the future, there are a few things that you can do to mitigate the problem. Firstly, always use a strainer in your sink to catch any food particles, grease, or hair that may fall into it. Secondly, avoid pouring cooking oil or grease down the sink or throwing it in the toilet. Instead, store it in a separate container until it solidifies, and then throw it away in the trash can. Lastly, consider using soap products made with minimal fat, oil, and grease components.

Solutions for Blocked Drains

Now, let’s look at the best solutions for blocked drains. There are a variety of things you can try before calling a professional, outlined below!

  • Hot Water: When you first experience a blocked drain, consider pouring boiling water down the drain. This can help to break up any build-up inside the pipe, even if it has begun to solidify.
  • Caustic Drain Cleaners: Caustic drain cleaners can be another solution (especially for more difficult clogs) as they are designed to dissolve fat, oil, and grease.
  • 1:1 Vinegar and Hot Water: Mix equal parts of hot water and vinegar and pour it down your drain. The vinegar is an acid and can be corrosive, which helps to break down any buildup along the way.
  • Compressed Air: When used inside the sink and waste pipe, compressed air can help to clear blockages. More importantly, it’s much less harmful to the environment than many other solutions.
  • Chemical Cleaners: Lastly, if other solutions have failed, consider using a chemical drain cleaner. However, be cautious when using these solutions, as they can be extremely toxic and hazardous.

When all else fails, consider calling a professional to deal with your blocked drain issue. Unclogging blockages caused by fat, oil, and grease can be especially difficult for homeowners. Fortunately, a professional drain cleaning service like Drane Ranger can help you unclog the drain with powerful tools and experience while ensuring minimal or even no damage to your pipes.

Hire a Professional

Drain blockages can be a hassle for homeowners, but it’s essential to recognize the root cause. Avoid pouring fat, oil, and grease substances down drains! Use a strainer to catch debris and consider using soap products that have minimal fat, oil, or grease components to avoid future blockages. However, suppose a blockage has already occurred. In that case, try the above-mentioned tips. If nothing works, call a professional (draneranger.com/grease-grit-lint-traps) to get the job done for you. At Drane Ranger, we specialize in clearing blocked drains and getting everything running smoothly again. Call us today for more information!

What Can Industries Do to Help Reduce the Impact of Oil and Grease in Wastewater?

The problem of oil and grease in wastewater is a growing concern for many industries. If left unchecked, oil and grease can have detrimental impacts on water quality, water bodies, and the environment itself. In this blog post, we will look at common sources of oil and grease pollution, as well as regulations that industries should follow to help prevent its spread into waterways. We’ll also explore some potential solutions for reducing the impact of oil and grease in wastewater, including contracting a professional wastewater services company like Drane Ranger.

Common Sources of Oil and Grease Pollution

Oil and grease pollution in wastewater typically comes from industrial processes. Some of the most common sources include:

  1. Leaking equipment, such as oil tanks and pipes.
  2. Improperly disposed of materials containing oil or grease, such as food scraps, fats, and oils.
  3. Runoff from paved surfaces, such as roads and parking lots.
  4. Boiler blowdown water from steam generation plants.
  5. Industrial process lines that use oil-based products or lubricants.


In Texas, industries must follow certain regulations when it comes to oil and grease in wastewater. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires that all industrial facilities monitor their wastewater to ensure the amount of oil and grease does not exceed permitted levels. Additionally, industrial facilities are required to dispose of materials containing oil or grease in specified ways so as to not cause environmental damage. On a federal level, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets effluent limitations guidelines for industries that discharge wastewater into navigable waters.

Challenges of Reducing Oil and Grease Pollution in Wastewater

Reducing oil and grease pollution in wastewater is a difficult undertaking because it often requires costly changes to equipment or processes. In some cases, facilities have to invest in new technologies, such as oil/grease separators or biofilters, in order to reduce their pollution levels.

Proper disposal of materials containing oil or grease can also be challenging because many waste management services do not accept these types of materials. Wastewater must be regularly monitored for any increases in oil and grease levels so that problems can be caught and addressed quickly.

Solutions for Reducing Pollution in Wastewater

Industries can take a number of steps to reduce their impact on wastewater. For example, many facilities have adopted best management practices (BMPs) such as source control and process optimization to reduce pollutants in their wastewater. Additionally, more advanced technologies such as oil/grease separators and biofilters can be used to effectively minimize oil and grease levels.

It is also important for industries to properly dispose of materials containing oil or grease. This may involve finding alternative waste disposal methods or contracting with a service that specializes in disposing of these types of materials. Regular monitoring of wastewater is also essential in order to detect any problems that may arise.

General Wastewater Services

Reducing oil and grease pollution in wastewater is a significant challenge for many industries, but it is possible to achieve safe and acceptable levels with the help of best management practices, advanced technologies, proper disposal methods, and regular monitoring. If you are based in Texas and are looking for specialized wastewater services (https://draneranger.com/services), consider Drane Ranger – a specialist firm offering many services to meet your needs. By taking measures such as these, you can help ensure that your operations have minimal impact on local water supplies.

Unclogging the Drain Traps of a Utility Sink

Have you ever encountered a smelly, clogged drain in your utility sink? Although it can be intimidating to clean and unclog the drain traps of a utility sink, the process is not as difficult as it may seem. This blog post will take you through step-by-step instructions on how to go about removing and inspecting the drain traps, cleaning and replacing them, and restoring order in your utility sink. If you find it beyond your skill level, consider calling in a professional drain cleaning service such as Drane Ranger. Let’s begin!

What is a Utility Sink?

A utility sink is a deep basin with an overflow drain, usually located in the laundry room or garage. It’s also sometimes referred to as a slop sink, laundry tub, or mop sink. It’s typically made of cast iron, metal-reinforced porcelain fixtures, or stainless steel and is designed for general-purpose cleaning tasks.

Benefits of Unclogging Drain Traps

  • Keeps odors at bay: Clogged drain traps can cause unpleasant odors in your utility sink due to food particles and other debris trapped within the traps and eventually seeping through into the pipes.
  • Prevents water from backing up into your home: If the trap becomes completely blocked with debris, it will prevent water from draining properly and can result in backed-up water throughout your building.
  • Keeps pests away: Unwanted pests like roaches, rats, and flies are drawn to standing water and the leftover food residue is left behind in drain traps.

Unclogging a Utility Sink’s Drain Traps

It’s important to note that when it comes to unclogging utility sink drain traps, it helps to have some basic plumbing knowledge. If you don’t have the time or expertise to tackle the job yourself, calling in a professional drain cleaning service is always recommended.

Here are a few steps on how to unclog the drain traps of your utility sink:

  1. Locate the trap. The trap is usually located near the back of the sink where the pipe connects it to the wall. If you can’t find it right away, look carefully behind and underneath any other fixtures in the room.
  2. Wear protective gloves while unscrewing and removing the trap from its housing by unscrewing clamps and other attachments with a wrench or screwdriver (depending on what type of clamp).
  3. Empty any solids or sludge from inside of the trap and dispose of it responsibly, as per local regulations.
  4. Rinse any residue off of the walls of both ends of the trap using hot running water. Use a small wire brush if necessary for tougher stains or debris buildup around hard-to-reach areas within the pipes or fittings of your utility sink drain traps.
  5. Reinstall your cleaned and cleared traps back into their original mounting locations, making sure they are tightly sealed with all clamps properly fastened down before running water through them again for testing purposes.
  6. For more challenging blockage cases, use products like drain cleaners and plungers as directed to make sure everything loosens up enough to restore a normal flow in your utility sink’s pipes!

Unclogging With the Help of a Professional

It is important to remember that when unclogging utility sinks drain traps, it helps to have some basic plumbing knowledge and experience. Professional plumbers are always available for tackling the job if you don’t feel confident doing it yourself. For commercial businesses, Drane Ranger is a reliable source for expert cleaning services including drain traps and other similar plumbing issues. To know why grease traps are essential for kitchens, click here.